Qatar Development Bank

Activate Ecosystem Growth — finding global partners with good reputations and mutual excitement for the world market like Qatar Development Bank

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Qatar Development Bank (QDB) identified a need in their local ecosystem and reached out to UBI Global. Their mission, which became ours, was to improve the economic development cycle by providing entrepreneurs and SMEs with access to global markets they had been previously lacking. In return, QDB would offer support with a wide range of financial and advisory products. What they needed was someone to flip the switch on their local ecosystem growth; we were delighted to oblige.

UBI Global and Qatar Development Bank joined forces to increase the knowledge base of global best practices by identifying top-performing organizations around the world throughsponsorship of the World Benchmark Study for 2019–2020.

The partnership positioned Qatar as an international innovation hub, bringing professionals to the country and increasing business and leisure tourism through events like the World Incubation Summit. As a nation, Qatar has a national vision to support entrepreneurship and SME development, and QDB supports this initiative through their partnership with UBI Global and their sponsorships of events that call attention to Qatar. In return, UBI Global members are enriched by this vibrant, exciting area of innovation that may otherwise stay in the dark corner of the room.

Qatar’s entrepreneurs benefit twofold, with access to the global innovation ecosystem as well as new resources tailored specifically to their needs in the local ecosystem from QDB.

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